Monday, March 5, 2012

Wikipedia Edit

Today I edited a Wiki page. I decided to update my hometown's Wikipedia page. I added the section entitled government, which included the name of our mayor and the names of our aldermen. It was really easy to edit and now that I know how to do it, I might do it more often!

Check out the link below to see my edits:,_Wisconsin

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A College Student’s Idea of a ‘Well-Branded’ Digital Image

Well Branded Digital Presence Samples
1. Bob Hawkinson, author of The Joy of Diabetes
- The site is made up of nice bright colors and designed well
- Nice photo of Bob on the Home Page
- Good information about him (as the author) and good information about the book and his cause.
2. Trisha Torrey, who became an advocate for patients through her site after she was misdiagnosed with cancer.
- The site is designed well and easy to navigate
- Nice photo of Trisha on the Home Page
- Great about me section
- Specific ways she helps in her field clearly shown on Home Page
3. Ben Rosenfeld (comedian) 
-Great Photo of Ben
-Video’s of his comedy(pretty funny)
-Very detailed website, about him and what he does
- Detailed Calendar of events
4. Tsh Oxenreider (Simple Mom)
- The site is designed well and easy to navigate
- Nice photo of Tsh on the Home Page
- Great about me section
- Specific ways she helps in her field clearly shown on Home Page

LinkedIn Samples 
1. Jason Alba
-Executive Photo
-Work Timeline
-Work Summary
-Online Resume
2.Deb Dip
- Executive photo 
- Work Timeline
- Work Summary
- Online Resume 
 Five Criteria
1. A Facebook Page that projects a positive look at your achievements & accomplishments 
  • Facebook is how students communicate with one another, it is also where they express them selves and give information about them self. For most it may be the only place out on the web that they are on. For this reason I think it is important to display as much positive information on Facebook as you can! 
2. A Facebook Page that displays appropriate and tasteful photos that show success and involvement. 
  • Facebook is how students communicate with one another, it is also where they express them selves and give information about them self. For most it may be the only place out on the web that they are on. For this reason I think it is important to display photos of yourself that make you look professional and stand out in a positive way! 
3. Get on LinkedIn

  • It makes sense to get on this network. It is full of opportunities to expand your network of contacts.  3.
4. Blog
  • If you are serious about creating or improving your digital presence, BLOG. It makes sense, you can talk about what ever you want. You might meet people, expand your ideas, etc. the list of possibilities goes on.
5. Explore, Explore, Explore
  • Try new things on the web. Experiment with other social networking sites, business sites, blogs. In order to improve your digital presence you will have to explore and learn what else is out there, or what others are doing and try it yourself.  

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Today, I leanred more about photoshop and its uses. Somethings were hard to change, especially when it came to changing or updating the color of an original image. Below you can see how I cropped a photo, cutting out some of the excess space within the original picture. It was really interesting to see and play with all the different applications you can use within photoshop! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Brain Games

Joe and I played a few games. First we played was the counterfeit game. The game was really hard and took a lot of focus and concentration! Then we played the trivia game and to our surprise we did really well. Overall the games were difficult but with focus and concentration it could be done!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Digital Footprint

In the digital footprint assignment we looked at cell phone usage, how may texts we send, how long we talk on the phone, internet usage, camera, video recorders. The only ones that were truly relevant to me was internet usage and cell phone usage. For me it was not to hard to figure out how long I use things, after really looking at my digital usage last year I keep track of my usage pretty closely. The program also made it very easy to plug the numbers in and see your footprint. However if you didn't know how much you use something it could crucially effect your footprint. My guess is that most people under reported their usage and that their footprint is much bigger than the program projected it to be.